I have always had a difficult time finding makeup I like. You've been there, I'm sure: you swear in the store that the bottle of foundation is exactly your color, and the saleswoman says it's perfect for your skin type...only to try it at home and find it leaves you shiny with an orange line of demarcation along your jaw. Sigh! The one foundation I loved for years (Origins' Reflection Perfection) was discontinued. I loved that it was transfer-resistant, not too heavy yet covered well, and came in a shade that blended nicely into my fair skin. Since its departure, I've tried several different replacements, with varying degrees of success. I just wanted something to even out my skin tone, make it look fresh, and not shine like a lightbulb two hours after applying. Several friends suggested Bare Escentuals' Bare Minerals, but I was hesitant. It looked like a complicated system, and was way more expensive than what I was looking for. Then, on Black Friday, armed with a coupon, I went into Sephora, saw the starter set on sale, and caved. I stashed my new makeup in the cute free tote Sephora was giving away with purchase, and made my way home. The kit comes with a little video that shows you how to apply the various elements. I immediately went to my mirror after watching it to see if it really was as quick and foolproof as they made it seem. Haaaaaa-lelujah! The whole routine took me about four minutes flat. And I can honestly say, I adore the way the foundation looks on my skin. I went just about all day without getting shiny - I'm not sure I have ever been able to say that! It blends so well into your skin, you really do look and feel like you're not wearing any makeup (except for the tiny fact that your skin now looks flawless). I'm sure I will not enjoy paying full price for the refills when it comes time...but I can definitely say it is worth the price! Who knew I would ever be saying this...I LOVE my makeup!