I am a huge magazine buff. In fact, I sometimes have to weed out my vast array of magazine subscriptions, because there isn't enough time to read them all before the next month's issue arrives. Hey, I admit I have a problem!
Few things give me as much joy as digging in to the September issues of my favorite fashion mags. It combines my love of fall, magazines, and shopping to create a perfect trifecta of excitement. Who cares if I could give myself a hernia lugging the 10 pound September Vogue in from the mailbox, or if there are enough perfume samples hiding in Lucky to drive my allergies into a frenzy that lasts at least 24 hours? There are trends to be discovered, shoes to ooh and ahh over, and handbags to covet! This past weekend, in a fond farewell to Summer, I dug into my pile of September magazines with and reckless abandon. As usual, Lucky was my favorite. This year's September Vogue was especially gorgeous to look at, but I was less than bowled over by InStyle. I made a few mental notes of things I liked, wanted to try, or just wanted to keep my eye on to see if they had any staying power in the fleeting world of fashion. Here are the things I definitely want to try this season:
1. A military-green jacket. These were everywhere in the magazines I read, and I love using a muted color like olive green as a neutral. I think I'll check out J. Crew for these.
2. Studded, heeled clogs. I was very glad to see the clog trend of the 90s go buh-bye. But this new crop of high heel/clog hybrids seem so cool! I am a sucker for anything studded, too.
3. An infinity scarf. I adore scarves, and this style, which wraps around your neck and drapes like a big cowl neckline, seems especially cozy and fashionable. Yes please!
4. Something with lace. With the exception of undies, I own nothing in lace - not really my thing. It makes me think of doilies. But the sophisticated cardigans, tops and handbags I saw in the fall fashion mags used lace as an accent, and I loved it! I've already eyed a few pieces at Kohl's, and I can't wait to try them on.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must attend to the new issue of Us Weekly. Celebrity scandals are always in fashion, no?